About the Monument

Located in AlAroussy Street (Souq ElZalat now), Bab ElSherya, Cairo, Egypt. Built by ElSheikh Ahmed-Al Arian in the early 19th century. It includes 16 marble columns to carry the main structure distributed among three main zone blocks each with 5 columns beside the tower. The main entry hall size is rectangular of 10*33m2. The architectural style follows the typical mosque of the Mamloky period in Egypt. The tower consists of two pentagonal levels based on a square shaped base. Also, a colorful Turkish ceramic finish covers parts of the mosque praying destination attached to the wall area which is 4.00 m wide and centered between two circular columns. The external windows are covered with Mashrabia and colored glass panels. The mosque include the tombs of ElSheikh Al-Arian and his 4 sons.


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